Our Story
After searching online for good deals on school uniforms for our 2 children we discovered that there was a need for consolidation of information. We needed a place to quickly sort through all of our options making a good economical decision about where to purchase our children’s school attire. Private schools often have a “company store” available to purchase from but often the prices are inflated, the quality is inferior, or sizes aren’t available. The need for on online resource for researching and reviewing options was apparent.
SchoolUniformz.com was born. Join us in helping others find the information we need as parents of school age children. Share your experiences with different uniforms and help us keep the requirements up to date. The information provided is to help us reduce the time required – since time is a valuable commodity. If you find something that you like and move to purchase you will likely be taken to an outside vendor. The information provided is for a better shopping experience and some of the links provided are affiliate links. If you purchase from those links you help support our site. If you have any issues with any of the suppliers listed please let us know so that we better improve the experience we provide.
Steve W